
The hyper-scalable, websocket/http server, using mysql, protobufs, tbb, libco(coroutines) and speed in mind.

Primary LanguageC++

after git clone

git submodule init git submodule update

download boost , mysqlcpp connector , tbb seperately and link this source..

  1. Game type sessions
  • create a session of game type

  • join nodes to this session , it can be controlled by who can add to that session

  • every message sent from any node , is sent to master_node.

  • every message sent by master node is broadcasted to the session nodes.

  • notify clients when master connects/disconnects.

  1. TODO:
  • node can set a specific msg to send when it disconnects.( to a dest_id , dest_session_id.. etc)
  • node can join a session temporarily if it wants.
  • when untracking connection , any game sessions should be notified ?