
Tracking DOM elements' in and out events from the viewport.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Trackit.js is a JavaScript library that allows tracking of DOM elements upon scroll or resize events. It doesn't uses any dependencies and is build using vanilla JavaScript.


Currently following events can be tracked :

  • Entering viewport (from Top, Right, Bottom, Left)
  • Entered viewport (same)
  • Leaving viewport (same)
  • Left viewport (same)

How To Use

(This is subjected to change with future builds)

  1. Download trackit.js or trackit.min.js and include it on your page.

  2. Under your page's script, add the following code

    document.getElementById("track-me"),	// this is the element that we want to track
      inActions : {	// For entry actions (as in, when element is entering viewport)
        top : {		// this is for top, similarly, we have bottom, left and right as well.
          onStart : function(){ /* code here */ },  // When element starts to enter      
          onComplete : function(){ /* code here */ } // When element completely entered
        bottom : function(){ /* code here */ }
        // When you pass callback function directly, without onStart or onComplete
        // It's assumed that you want to run the callback on onComplete event.
      outActions : {	// For exit actions (as in, when element is leaving viewport)
        top : {
          onStart : function(){ /* Do Stuff here */ }
          onComplete : function(){ /* Do Stuff here */ }
  1. That's it.

If it seems confusing, then wait for a better documentation, that I'll prepare as soon as all primary features of this library are implemented properly.



  • Track ​```javascript var trackingId = Tracking.track([element],[options]);
- Untrack



  inActions :
  	[direction] :
      onStart : [callback],
      onComplete : [callback]
  outActions : {


  • inActions - When element has entered or is entering the viewport
    • top
    • bottom
    • left
    • right
  • outActions - When element is leaving or has left the viewport
    • top
    • bottom
    • left
    • right

Each of the directions events have two sub-events, where you can pass your callbacks :

  • onStart - When the element is leaving/entering the viewport
  • onComplete - When the element has left/entered the viewport

NOTE : If you pass callback directly to the direction even (without specifying onStart or onComplete, then the callback executes same as it would execute in case of onComplete)


Abhinav Dabral (abhinavdabral)



##Change Log

  • v0.2.0 (5th Sept, 2016)
  • Rewritten most of it, in a better way with lesser code.
  • v0.1.0 (2nd Sept, 2016)
  • First commit