
Primary LanguageKotlin

  1. AllContactListAactivty is the first activity which has two tabs. one is allContacts and another is starredContacts .in first tab you will have all the contacts .and in second one you will have fav contacts.and I have used Shimmer for making it good look wise as we have seen like in Facebook and youtube.shimmer will be there until the we get result.

2.on click over individual contact there is a activity detail which has all the details of user (not all the detail but number and email(if there is email),name) . i am showing two numbers there for now and the type of number is also there and you can make a dail from there after long clicking on first number(not the second one).

3.in bottom there is make fav button from there you can make your contact fav .but this is not reflect in previous screen because it is not syncing yet .you have to refresh for now.

4.and you can update your contact after writting name and number.(yet no syncing in previous screen)

5.Search screen is there and where you can search and can dial the number directly over there.

6.and there is new contact button ,on clikcing that button it will open a screen where you can add new contact and again you have to refresh the page to see there is swipe refresh just drag it and you can the new contact then.