
Forum Topic Sub-Selection (Episode and Other)

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Hello! It appears MAL forums have two options for episode discussions (episode) and miscellaneous discussion (other). The Jikan REST API appears to have added this functionality by adding /episodes after /forum, with the added benefit of ordering the topics in episode descending order. Ex: https://api.jikan.moe/v3/anime/21/forum/episodes.

Is this feature easy to add? Thanks!

Thanks for the heads up, it should be easy to add.

Just finished this in v3.4.2, just use the extension forum/episodes as shown below:

from jikanpy import Jikan
jikan = Jikan()

forum_episodes = jikan.anime(1, extension='forum/episodes')

@abhinavk99 sorry to raise this ticket again. Would it be possible to add forum/other as an extension as well?