
Give it a directory path where all your movies/documentaries resides. It will fetch the information for each file from IMDB and will write in an Excel spreadsheet. This is helpful when you want to sort all your movies/documentaries by their IMDB ratings, genre, release year, runtime, director, actor, etc.

Primary LanguageC#


Give it a directory path where all your movies/documentaries resides. It will fetch the information for each file from IMDB and will write in an Excel spreadsheet. This is helpful when you want to sort all your movies/documentaries by their IMDB ratings, genre, release year, runtime, director, actor, etc.


  • ASP.NET Framework Version=v4.5
  • MS Excel

If you are interested in just running it without loading the source code in Visual Studio, do the following:

  • Clone the respository.
  • Browse to "\VideoSorter\VideoSorter\bin\Debug"
  • Make sure VideoSorter.exe is there
  • now, open command prompt (Window+R)
  • CD <absolute path to the Debug directory mentioned in second point above>
  • Hit Enter key
  • type VideoSorter<space>"<absolute path to the video directory>"
  • Hit Enter key. If everything is ok, you should start seeing the infomration of the files being processed.
  • That's it!