The work in this repository was implemented for an article written on Medium.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
Special thanks goes to the below sources for their data and the masterminds behind the R Programming Language and its assorted libraries.
Data Sources:
- Head-to-Head Data:
- Player Statistics:
- FIFA Organization Data: Wikipedia
Relevant R Packages:
Hadley Wickham (2017). tidyverse: Easily Install and Load the 'Tidyverse'. R package version 1.2.1.
Hadley Wickham, Romain François, Lionel Henry and Kirill Müller (2020). dplyr: A Grammar of Data Manipulation. R package version 0.8.5.
Hadley Wickham, Jim Hester and Romain Francois (2018). readr: Read Rectangular Text Data. R package version 1.3.1.