- Jupyter Notebook
- StackOverFlow-Survey-Analysis.ipynb -> Contains the code for Exploratory Data Analysis
- Dataset
- developer_survey_2020/survey_results_public.csv -> Contains the responses given against the survey questions, compiled under respective fields
- developer_survey_2020/survey_results_schema.csv -> Defines the schema of the
file and what each field denotes
An exploratory analysis of Stackoverflow's Developer Survey 2020 data using the CRISP-DM process to infer the trends from the responses given by various developers to the survey
- What factors influence the Job Satisfaction of Male and Female developers?
- What factors influence the Job Satisfaction of developers in a Developed (United States) vs Developing (India) country?
- What are the compensation trends across countries?
- How many hours do developers work across countries?
- What factors cause the developers to look for new jobs in a Developed (United States) vs Developing (India) country?
- ~70% respondents have said they are developers
- ~70% respondents have said they are employed full time
- ~20% respondents that are full time developers also consider it as a hobby
- ~75% of the full time developers identify themselves as Male, 15% as Female and the remaining as non-binary
- Majority of the respondents lie between the ages of 20-40
A concise writeup of the evaluation and analysis can be found here https://abhi-rohatgi.medium.com/stackoverflow-developers-of-2020-have-their-say-191c60de42f8
- Pandas
- Matplotlib
- Seaborn
StackOverflow Survey Data 2020 [https://insights.stackoverflow.com/survey] Seaborn Violin Plot [https://medium.com/analytics-vidhya/violin-plot-in-a-nutshell-ecd5ed0abcff]