
A quiz about foods around the world. The user will be given a question and set of answers, user chooses option from a choice of four options. When the quiz ends there is an option for the user to redo the quiz again.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Trivia Game

This is a simple quiz about foods around the world. The user will be given a questiona nd set of answers. User chooses option from a choice of four options. The computer validates and returns the correct answer. When the quiz ends there is an option for the user to redo the quiz again.

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • jQuery are used to design the page

HTML page

This has all the contents the users needs to see. This is the layout that appears on screen.


This has the styles that are applied to the page

####JS page

  • This page has the questions that have four options to choose from
  • The user chooses an option
  • The computer validates it and tells the user whether the chosen option is the coreect answer or a wrong answer
  • After the user completes the quiz, the scores will be returned
  • There is an option to do redo the quiz if the user opts

####Trivially Trivia