
Ludicrously simple, barebones static website boilerplate - HTML + CSS + JS.

Primary LanguageHTML

Ludicrously Simple Static Website Framework

Some boilerplate code for static site generation. Got sick of rewriting or pulling this code over and over again. Just clone, edit and push - Static site.

Includes NO default theme as the idea is write and go.

MIT License. Whatever you want! It's github.

How to use this?

  1. Clone this repository git clone https://github.com/abhinayar/StaticHTML5Boilerplate
  2. Edit index.html, /public/css/pages/index.css, /public/js/main.js
  3. Push to a github repository and follow instructions here https://pages.github.com/

What does it include?

  1. jQuery CDN and local fallback http://code.jquery.com/
  2. Bootstrap CDN and local fallback http://getbootstrap.com/
  3. Modernizr CDN and local fallback https://modernizr.com/
  4. Google Analytics Code http://analytics.google.com/
  5. NormalizeCSS CDN and local fallback https://necolas.github.io/normalize.css/
  6. Roboto (light, medium, bold) font from Google Fonts http://fonts.google.com/
  7. Compatibility => HTML5Shim, lt-ie-9, es5-shim, es5-sham (local)
  8. Console Shim for non console browsers (local)
  9. Meta tags for social sharing (FB, Twitter, etc.) + example meta image
  10. Google Analytics Verification, FB pixel and other opinionated analytics/script suggestions
  11. Favicons, Apple Touch Icons, MSAppIcons templates /icons
  12. main.css file (unminified) with some small templating styles + common media queries

Suggestions? Comments?

Send an email to anayar2[at]gmail.com

Why was this made?

Sometimes I don't want Node, I don't want Rails, I don't want every damn package under the sun. I just want a damn boilerplate HTML/CSS/JS package I can plop in the browser and run. Wah-la. Barebones deps., lightweight, and ready to go. If you have any suggestions for improvement please reach out.