
Erlang practise question

Primary LanguageErlangMIT LicenseMIT

Erlang Basics

  • Erlang has built-in support for fault-tolerance, which allows systems to continue operating even in the face of errors or hardware failures.
  • Erlang's main strength lies in its support for concurrency, which allows multiple processes to execute simultaneously without interfering with each other.


This repo is for basic level erlang projects

Programming languages used



Day Title Code
1 WAP to determine whether a number is odd or even in Erlang, you can use the modulo operator %. The modulo operator returns the remainder of a division operation. If a number is divisible by 2 without leaving a remainder, it is even. Otherwise, it is odd. Here's an example function that determines whether a number is odd or even Code
2 WAP which accepts marks of five subjects in an array, and calculates and prints the percentage, highest marks, subject name, and lowest marks Code
3 WAP which accepts a password from the user, stores the password in a file, and verifies it when the user enters it again Code
4 WAP to create CLI Calculator Code
5 WAP to accept grades and print percentage Code
6 WAP to multiplication of two matrix and getting the inverse of matrix Code
7 Web server Code
8 Basic log file analyzer program Code
9 Web crawler Code
