
A self hosted music streaming server

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Black candy logo

Black candy

Build status

Black candy is a self hosted music streaming server built with Rails and Stimulus. The goal of the project is to create a real personal music center.


screenshot theme dark

screenshot theme light

Getting started

Black candy use docker for simplify deployment, development and test process. So you should install docker and docker-compose first.

Black candy support mp3, m4a, ogg, opus, flac and wav formats now.


Black candy has built docker images. You can use docker compose to run all services.

First, you should create docker-compose.yml file for black candy.

Here is the example docker-compose.yml you can use. You can also change the docker-compose.yml for your own needs.

Second, set BLACK_CANDY_MEDIA_PATH and BLACK_CANDY_SECRET_KEY_BASE environment variable on your sever and point BLACK_CANDY_MEDIA_PATH to the readable directory on your server to store your music files.

# Like this
$ export BLACK_CANDY_MEDIA_PATH="/example_media_path"
$ export BLACK_CANDY_SECRET_KEY_BASE="your_secret_key"

Finally run:

$ docker-compose up -d

That's all.

You can use initial admin user to login (email: admin@admin.com, password: foobar).

Try in PWD

You can try black candy on Play with Docker

Try in PWD

When the service is ready, access black candy from port 80. Then use initial admin user to login (email: admin@admin.com, password: foobar). This demo already contains some sample music file. You can go to the setting page and click the sync button of the media path to import the sample music into the database.

And feel free to try it.

List for all sample music for the demo:

If like their music, you can buy their albums to support them.


Pull new image from remote

$ docker pull blackcandy/blackcandy

Restart services:

$ docker-compose restart 


# Clone the repo
$ git clone https://github.com/aidewoode/black_candy.git

# Setup development environment
$ make dev_setup

# Runing development server
$ make dev_run

# Stop development server
$ make dev_stop

# Into development shell
$ make dev_shell


# Runing test
$ make test_run

# Runing lint
$ make lint_run


Black candy support get artist and album image from Discogs API. You can create a API token from Discogs and set Discogs token on Setting page to enable it.