
Primary LanguageRuby

How to Run this App?


Make sure you have bundler, then install the dependencies:

$ gem install bundler
$ bundle install


  • Copy database.yml and if you need, setup your own database credentials
  • Create database (you must use MySQL)
  • Run migrations
$ cp config/database.sample.yml config/database.yml
$ bin/rake db:create
$ bin/rake db:seed

Install Redis

This app requires Redis for background processing and caching.


If you're on OS X, Homebrew is the simplest way to install Redis:

$ brew install redis
$ redis-server

You now have Redis running on 6379.

List of available APIs

POST a reading

POST /readings

Get a reading

GET /readings/:id

Get Stats for a thermostat

GET /readings/:thermostat_id/stats

Run Tests

$ bundle exec rspec