Nebula Backend

  1. Ensure Dependencies are Installed

    Make sure all the dependencies are installed. If you haven't already done so, you can install them by running:

    go mod tidy

    This command will ensure that all the dependencies specified in your go.mod file are installed.

  2. Set Up the Database

    Ensure that your PostgreSQL database is running and accessible. The dsn (Data Source Name) in config/config.go is already configured to use environment variables for database credentials.

    Ensure the environment variables DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, and DB_NAME are set in your .env file with your actual database details.

  3. Manage Database and Migrations If you need to manage your database, you can use the script. This script helps with creating and dropping the database. To create the database, run:

    ./ --create

    To drop the database, run:

    ./ --drop

    Please note that dropping the database is irreversible and will delete all data.

    To create a new migration, use the script. This script generates a new migration file with a timestamp and the provided name. To create a migration, run:


    You will be prompted to enter the migration name. Use underscores for spaces in the migration name. For example, if you want to create a migration to add a new table, you might name it add_new_table.

    After creating the migration file, you can add your migration logic in the Migrate function and the rollback logic in the Rollback function within the generated file.

  4. Apply Migrations

    The migrations are automatically applied to your database when you start the application using air -c .air.toml (with live reloading) or go run cmd/nebula_backend/main.go (without live reloading).

  5. Run the Application

    To run the application, execute the following command from the root directory of your project:

    go run cmd/nebula_backend/main.go
  6. Verify the Application is Running

    Once the application is running, you should see output indicating that the server is running on port 8080. You can verify this by opening a web browser or using a tool like curl or Postman to make a request to the /users endpoint:

    curl http://localhost:8080/users

    If everything is set up correctly, you should receive a JSON response (even if it's an empty array if there are no users in the database).

    Example Output

    When you run the application, you should see output similar to this:

    2023-06-13T12:45:00.123Z INFO zap/logger.go:38 Database connected successfully
    2023-06-13T12:45:00.123Z INFO zap/logger.go:38 Migration did run successfully
    [GIN-debug] [WARNING] Creating an Engine instance with the Logger and Recovery middleware already attached.
    [GIN-debug] GET /users --> myapp/controllers.GetUsers (3 handlers)
    [GIN-debug] Listening and serving HTTP on :8080

    This indicates that the database connection was successful, migrations were applied, and the server is running on port 8080.


For Development

docker-compose -f up --build

For Production

docker-compose -f up --build

To Create Docker Image

docker build -t nebula_backend:latest -f . docker tag nebula_backend:latest abhionlyone/nebula_backend:latest docker push abhionlyone/nebula_backend:latest