
Chat room is created using Node.js and Bootstrap

Primary LanguageHTML


Chat room is created using Node.js and Bootstrap using the socket.io module


The backbreaking work of the app really is done by the socket.io Module. This module helps us to communicate with the server and the client efficiently, especially without reloading the page. socket.io also allows us to broadcast or 'send' response to other clients connected to the server except the one making the request.



Instructions to run the App

~ download node.js
~ download zip file from github and then extract it
~ open command prompt and go to that extracted folder
~ type- npm i express, express-generator, nodemon, socket.io, uuid, body-parser -save
~ type- npm i
~ remove procfile from folder
~ type- nodemon server.js
~ go to http://localhost:3000/
~ the application is running and users can join the chat room