event-store is a golang implementation of event store used in event sourcing architecture to store and load aggregates from eventstoredb
- load aggregate directly from the aggregate store
- embed aggregate struct and perform domain logic and call apply to apply aggregate
aggregateStore handles all write tasks providing the aggregate logic
import {
// golang client for eventstoredb
es "github.com/abhirajranjan/eventstore/pkg/eventstore"
func main {
// eventstoredb config
setting, err := esdb.ParseConnectionString("esdb://localhost:2113?tls=false")
if err != nil {
// eventstoredb client instance
conn, err := esdb.NewClient(setting)
if err != nil {
defer conn.Close()
fmt.Println("connection created")
store := es.NewAggregateStore(logger, conn)
events are entity that describe certain thing that has happened. Due to the fact that they happened in past makes them immutable.
Abstract Event is defined as es.Event
type event struct {
EventID string
EventType string
Data []byte
Timestamp time.Time
Version int64
Metadata []byte
AggregateID string
user generating new event have to set these feilds.
Data field is marshaled json byte object that has domain fields related to Aggregate Type
func NewEventFromRecordedEvent(revent *esdb.RecordedEvent) *event
NewEventFromRecordedEvent is use to load events already occured in past. Internally this function is used in stores to load event from eventstoredb.
func EventFromEventData(recordedEvent esdb.RecordedEvent) (event, error)
EventFromEventData is used to generate es.event from eventstoredb event type in deserialized form. used in stores to get events and call "when" method on aggregate.
func NewEventFromEventData(eventd esdb.EventData) event
NewEventFromEventData is use to generate event from eventData.
NewBaseEvent(aggregate Aggregate, eventType string) event
used to generate new event for aggregate. it generates new EventID and set Event ID, EventType, EventVersion as aggregateID, aggregateType, AggregateVersion respectively. new timestamp is also initalized as current time.Time object.
type Aggregate struct {
newID int64
name string
create a custom aggregate struct to embed AggregateBase with additional domain fields to get aggregate methods
embedding AggregateBase with custom fields to store the current state.
"When" method needs to be implemented in new embedded struct to maintain current state and apply domain logic event applied to it
Note: "When" method should not be directly called in the code, instead call "Apply" method on the aggregate to apply an event which internally calls "When" in addition to maintaining all the uncommited events
type Data struct {
Item string
Value int64
type Aggregate struct {
// embed Data having domain fields
Data Data
// When method takes event of type es.Event and return error
func (a *Aggregate) When(event es.Event) error {
switch event.GetEventType() {
case "setItem":
var d Data
if err := json.Unmarshal(event.GetData(), &d); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unmarshling error in setItem")
a.Data.Item = d.Item
case "setValue":
var d Data
if err := json.Unmarshal(event.GetData(), &d); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unmarshling error in setValue")
a.Data.Value = d.Value
return fmt.Errorf("event type %v not defined", event.GetEventType())
fmt.Printf("(item) %s %d\n", a.Data.Item, a.Data.Value)
return nil
initate new aggregate. aggregateRoot is an interface that provides "When" function for "apply" method.
// initiate aggregate
initalaggregate := &Aggregate{}
// set the AggregateRoot interface to itself so that it can call embedded "When" function
initalaggregate.AggregateRoot = initalaggregate
// set inital version to -1
// version automatically increments by 1 so the event commited with version 0
// set aggregate type to event type matched in "When" function
AggregateStore "load" method is used to load current state of aggregate into aggregate object.
// create new aggregate
initialaggregate := &Aggregate{}
initialaggregate.AggregateRoot = initialaggregate
store := es.NewAggregateStore(logger, conn)
// load events sequentially into initalaggregate to get current state
store.Load(context.TODO(), &initialaggregate)
"Apply" event is used to apply the event to current aggregate. it internally calls aggregate's "When" method to maintain the current state and if no error was returned it appends event to uncommited events.
// create new event from base event
event := es.NewBaseEvent(initalaggregate, "setItem")
data, err := json.Marshal(Data{Item: "gate", Value: 1})
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("id: ", initalaggregate.GetID())
if err := initalaggregate.Apply(&event); err != nil {
aggregate store gives functions used to to easily restore and check aggregate's current state in eventstoredb
func (as *aggregateStore) Load(ctx context.Context, aggregate Aggregate) error
get the current state of aggregate based on aggregateID from database by getting events sequentially and calling aggregate "when" method to perform domain logic
for easy debugging, applied events are stored in aggregate to easily provide tracking of events
func (as *aggregateStore) Save(ctx context.Context, aggregate Aggregate) error
Save function is used to Save all uncommited events in aggregate to database to persist changes
Save function should be called after all domain checks and processing of event in current state of aggregate
func (as *aggregateStore) Exists(ctx context.Context, streamID string) error
Exists checks if the current aggregateID is present in eventstore or not.
if given aggregateID does not exists, it returns esdb.ErrNoStreamFound if given aggregateID exists in eventstore, it returns nil if any other error occured, it returns wrapped error