Trader Assistant

Trader Assistant is a small script made using python that would allow users to enter the trading data, current stock prices and then get a summary of their current portfolio.

Menu Displayed In Trader Assistant

  1. Load trading data
  2. Load current stock prices
  3. Manually enter a new trade
  4. View trading data
  5. View current portfolio
  6. Save trading data
  7. Quit

Load Trading Data

This Menu Accepts a csv file as input in the format Ticker, Buy or Sell, Quantity, Cost, Date of Trade

Field Type
Ticker String
Buy Or Sell Should be either b or s
Quantity Integer
Cost Float
Date of Trade Date in the format yyyy-mm-dd

Load Current Stock Prices

This Menu Accepts a json file as input in the format ticker, price

Field Type
Ticker String
Price Float

Manually Enter A New Trade

This menu accepts a new trade manually

Buy or Sell
Date of Trade

Field Type
Ticker String
Buy Or Sell Should be either b or s
Quantity Integer
Cost Float
Date of Trade Date in the format yyyy-mm-dd

View Trading Data

This menu displays the trading data according to the input from user

  1. Find by ticker if ticker value is provided or else get all data
  2. Sort by date.

<Date of Trade> <Ticker> <Buy or Sell> <Quantity> for $<Cost>

View Current Portfolio

This menu displays the hodl of stocks for the current user.
<Ticker> Total units: <Total units> Total value: <Total value>

Save Trading Data

This menu saves the trading data into a csv file.
The filename is accepted from the user.
The file contents are of the format
<Date of Trade>,<Ticker>,<Buy or Sell>,<Quantity>,<Cost>


This menu will display a thank you message and exit the application.