
Image classification as a serverless Function using TensorFlow

Primary LanguageJava

Serverless image classification with functions & TensorFlow

Demonstrates a serverless function capable of simple image classification using TensorFlow

Throw random images at your function and expect it to (hopefully) return something sane ! Just like this image (of what looks like a pizza) when passed on to our classification function returns -  This is a 'pizza' Accuracy - 96%

pizza? sure ?


  • Get latest FN CLI - curl -LSs https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fnproject/cli/master/install | sh
  • Configure your environment i.e. setup Fn context as well as OCI configuration for Oracle Functions

This is what a context file looks like:

api-url: https://functions.us-phoenix-1.oraclecloud.com oracle.compartment-id: <OCI_compartment_OCID>
oracle.profile: <profile_name_in_OCI_config>
provider: oracle
registry: <OCI_docker_registry>

.. and here is an example configuration file:

  • Switch to the correct context according to your Functions development environment: fn use context <context_name>

Create the Application

  • git clone https://github.com/abhirockzz/fn-hello-tensorflow
  • cd fn-hello-tensorflow
  • fn create app <app_name> --annotation oracle.com/oci/subnetIds='["<subnet_ocid>"]'

Deploy the function

If you want to use TensorFlow version 1.12.0 (for Java SDK and corresponding native libraries), use the following command: fn -v deploy --app fn-tensorflow-app

You can also choose a specific version. Ensure that you specify it in pom.xml file before you build the function. For example, if you want to use version 1.11.0: fn -v deploy --app fn-tensorflow-app --build-arg TENSORFLOW_VERSION=1.11.0

When the deployment completes successfully, your function is ready to use. Use the fn ls apps command to list down the applications currently deployed. fn-tensorflow-app should be listed


All you need to do is pass the image to the function while invoking it:

cat <path to image> | fn invoke fn-tensorflow-app classify

For the fun part, check out the Time to Classify Images! section in the corresponding blog post - https://medium.com/@abhishek1987/serverless-image-classification-with-oracle-functions-and-tensorflow-849395786110