Ticker Tracker revolves around the ability to keep track of stock prices of NYSE scrips

  • Users can check the stock price of a scrip (listed on NASDAQ) using a simple REST interface
  • Real time price tracking is also available – but this is only for Oracle (ORCL)

It's a simple fat JAR app built using

  • Java EE 7: JAX-RS, WebSocket, EJB, CDI, JSON-P
  • Wildfly Swarm

To run

  • First git clone https://github.com/abhirockzz/wildfly-swarm-javaee-stock-tracker
  • cd <code_dir>
  • mvn clean install
  • cd <code_dir>/target
  • java -jar stock-tracker-swarm.jar

To test

  • check price of a specific ticker http://localhost:8080/api/stocks?ticker=AAPL
  • track ORCL stock by hooking onto the following websocket endpoint ws://localhost:8080/rt/stocks