
Solutions of all the assignments provided during the course "Interactivity with JavaScript" by University Of Michigan on Coursera.

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Interactivity with JavaScript

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Solutions of all the assignments provided and also the practice work done during the course "Interactivity with JavaScript" by University Of Michigan on Coursera.

This repository contains the solutions of the few major assignments provided by the instructor during the even weeks of the course "Interactivity with JavaScript" by University Of Michigan on Coursera.

Special thanks to Dr. Colleen E van Lent, School of Information, University of Michigan for all the projects provided for assignments.

Table of Contents

Content Assignment Link
1. Interactive Photo Gallery https://prithaupadhyay.github.io/Interactivity-With-JavaScript/html/photo.html
2. Autocomplete With JavaScript https://prithaupadhyay.github.io/Interactivity-With-JavaScript/html/billing.html


Pritha Upadhyay


Files available for redistribution and download only for educational purposes.