
Notes on Unit Testing, Test Driven Development and Mockito Framework in Java.

Primary LanguageJava


Reference: YouTube Tutorial

Unit Testing

  • Testing the individual units of our code, like classes and methods.
  • Proving that if we pass these specific values into that particular method, the actual result should match with the expected result.
  • Testing code as we built it.
  • Having automated unit tests allows us to easily validate any change that we make.


  • The aim is to test pieces of code in isolation.
  • We are trying to end up with hundreds of unit tests each are testing a single small part of the system, independently of the others.


  1. Write Normal Application Code
  2. Write automated unit-tests

Test-Driven Development (TDD)

Unit Testing + More additional steps.

  • Write tests that attempt to instantiate an object which doesn't have a class yet.
  • Write tests that call a method that doesn't exist, and we will run those tests.


  1. First, write automated unit-tests
  2. Then write normal Application Code

With this approach, either our test fails or the code doesn't even compile. But, this is What we Want!

  • The first time we run our unit-test we want it to fail.
  • Then we write the minimum necessary code just to pass that specific test.

Benefits of TDD

  • Allows for early bug detection, resulting in better design decisions.
  • Allows writing smaller code having single responsibility.
  • Gives us more confidence while refactoring.
  • Forces design-for-testability, which means, the code will be testable up-front, because the tests were already written.

Unit-Testing Framework: JUnit v5


  • assert

Methods (void type):

  • assertEquals(expectedValue, actualValue);
  • assertArrayEquals(expectedArray, actualArray);
  • assertNotNull(actualObject);
  • assertNull(actualObject);
  • assertSame(expectedObject, actualObject);
  • assertNotSame(expectedObject, actualObject);
  • assertTrue(condition);
  • assertFalse(condition);

Red-Green-Refactor Cycle

Red: make the test fail

Green: make the test pass

Refactor: make the code right (provide logic)

How many tests do we need?

That many do you need so you can relax and be confident that your code works.

Every significant path, whether that's an if-else, or switch, or a loop should have a different test.

What if the code is more complex than that?

Code coverage is the answer!

Naming conventions

Test class name should have Test appended after the actual class name

For method names, we can follow any of the two naming conventions:

Camel-Casing format

public class MyClassTest {
    public void testMethodNameExtraInfoIfNeeded() {
        // ...

Underscores format

public class MyClassTest {
    public void test_methodName_extraInfoIfNeeded() {
        // ...

Triple A approach

  1. Arrange
  2. Act
  3. Assert

@BeforeEach and @AfterEach

Usually, multiple test methods in the same unit-test class, end up sharing a lot of similarities in their arrange part.

public class BankAccountTest {
    public void setUp() {
        bankAccount = new BankAccount(500.0);

    public void tearDown() {


The method:

  • setUp() will be called before each test method.
  • tearDown() will be called after each test method.

@BeforeAll and @AfterAll

These annotation work at the class level as a whole.

public class BankAccountTest {
    public void setUpClass() {
        bankAccount = new BankAccount(500.0);

    public void tearDownClass() {


The method:

  • setUpClass() will run only once and before any of the tests runs.
  • tearDownClass() will run only once and after all the tests have run.

Points to Remember

  • Common getters and setters do not need any testing. Only logic driven code needs testing.
  • private methods do not need any testing but all public methods should have multiple tests depending on their inputs.


Mocking is a Code Smell!

  • If we have to do a lot of mocking to create a proper unit-test, then maybe that code doesn't need to be tested.
  • If we're tempted to do all the testing with end-to-end tests, then we should probably rethink the testing strategy.
    • This will lead to inadequate test coverage and a tightly-coupled code which will become harder to maintain over time.

When use Mock object ?

  • If the real object hasn't been written.
  • If what we're calling needs a human intervention (UI).
  • If that system is slow or difficult to set up.

Why even Mock object ?

  • return expected values and do it quickly and repeatedly.
  • verify that the way we are calling these objects is correct.


Do not apply un-deterministic logic to the test methods. We are not sure whether the FacebookService would even return the data that we want. What if we get HTTP Errors or Server does not respond ?

public class FacebookServiceTest {
    public void test_action_on_facebook_profiles() {
        FacebookService facebookService = new FacebookService();
        List<Profile> profiles = facebookService.getProfiles();
        UnitUnderTest unit = new UnitUnderTest();
        boolean result = unit.performAction(profiles);

We want to take it as a fact that this Facebook API will just work and will return the desired results, allowing us to assert some behavior after they are retrieved.

To do that we can create a new class called MockFacebookService. We now know exactly what the getProfiles call will return for us.

public class FacebookServiceTest {
  public void test_action_on_facebook_profiles() {
    FacebookService facebookService = new MockFacebookService();
    List<Profile> profiles = facebookService.getProfiles();
    UnitUnderTest unit = new UnitUnderTest();
    boolean result = unit.performAction(profiles);

The mock object itself can assert that what was passed-in was correct and fails if it wasn't.

public class FacebookServiceTest { 
  public void test_action_on_facebook_profile() {
      FacebookService facebookService = new MockFacebookService();
      // assert delegated to the mock object itself.
      Profile profile = facebookService.getProfile(profileId);
      UnitUnderTest unit = new UnitUnderTest();
      boolean result = unit.performAction(Collections.singletonList(profile));


All belong to one family called "Test Doubles".

  • A Test double is any object used in a test.
  • Other kinds of test doubles include:
    • dummy values
    • spies


  • object that behave "naturally" but is not "real".
  • have a pre-written implementation of the object that they are supposed to represent.
    • they have the same method signatures that return pre-written (or arranged) responses.


  • the purpose of a fake is not to affect the behavior of a system under test but rather to simplify the implementation of the test by removing unnecessary or heavy dependencies.

Example: Creating a Fake Database Service.

public class DatabaseService {
    public Entity getEntityById(int id) {
        // go to the database and fetch the entity
        // return the entity  
public class FakeDatabaseService extends DatabaseService {
    // basically uses a map as pre-arranged data
    private Map<Integer, Entity> entities = new HashMap<>();
    public Entity getEntityById(int id) {
        return entities.get(id);

Now, the data we access, is actually fake, but makes the operation

  • fast
  • concise
  • accurate for our unit tests.


  • an implementation that behaves "unnaturally".
  • it is preconfigured to respond to specific inputs with specific outputs.


  • the purpose of a stub is to get our unit under test into a specific state.

Example: Code that interacts with a certain API, we could stub that API with another that always returns the same response. This way, we can write tests that make assertions about how the system reacts to that particular state.

public class FacebookService {
    public Profile getProfile(int profileId) throws Exception {
        // calls Facebook's API
        // retrieves the profile details
        // returns the profile object

By modifying the normal behavior of our call, we can create a stub as shown:

public class StubFacebookService extends FacebookService {
    public Profile getProfile(int profileId) throws Exception {
        throw new ProfileNotFoundException();


  • similar to stubs, but with verification added in.


  • the purpose of a mock is to make assertions about how the unit under test interacted with the dependency.
public enum FileType {
public class UploadService {
    public boolean uploadFile(File file) {
        // tries to connect to the server, returns false if failed.
        // connection established
        // tries to upload file to the server
        // returns true if file successfully uploaded

Modifying the uploadFile method to return the desired result only if the assertions pass.

public class MockUploadService extends UploadService {
    public boolean uploadFile(File file)  {
        assert null != file;
        assert FileType.XML.equals(file.getFileType());
        return true;

Mock Frameworks

Just like we have unit testing frameworks, there are several mock frameworks that we can use to help in the mocking process.

  • different that testing frameworks (JUnit)
  • make it easier to define mock objects and provide structure to our tests.


They introduce some level of risk, we may have mocked a service because the real one wasn't written yet, which is later written in a different behavior than we expected, we may run into a problem.

Available Mock Frameworks in Java

  • JMock
  • easy-mock
  • Mockito: allows us to dynamically generate mock objects rather than explicitly writing classes for them.

Code Coverage

  • a percentage of how much of our application code is being hit by our unit tests.
  • it's not a guarantee of perfection but will certainly let us know what we're missing.
  • it's not a replacement for good code review and good programming practices.

Code Coverage Report

  • Which classes are being tested.
  • How many methods are being tested.
  • What lines of code are being hit by a test.

Code Coverage Tool

Built-in IntelliJ Plugin: Code Coverage for Java.

Code Coverage Types

Function Coverage

  • How many methods (or functions) defined in our application have been called ?
  • Every method should be called at least once in the test class no matter what arguments we pass to it.
public class SomeClass {
    public void someMethod(int x, int y) {
        if(x < 0 && y < 0) {
            System.out.println("Adding Negative Numbers!");
        System.out.println("Addition: " + (x + y));
public class SomeClassTest {
    public void test_someMethod() {
        SomeClass someClass = new SomeClass();
        someClass.someMethod(any(), any());

Statement Coverage

How many

  • paths
  • lines
  • statements are covered ?

In our example, we will get 100% test coverage if we pass two negative numbers by our test method.

public class SomeClassTest {

  // ...

  public void test_someMethod_all_lines() {
      SomeClass someClass = new SomeClass();
      someClass.someMethod(anyNegativeNbr(), anyNegativeNbr());

Branch Coverage

  • Ensures that each decision from every branch is executed at least once.
  • Measures fractions of independent code segments and finds out sections having no branches.
public class SomeClassTest {

  // ...

  public void test_someMethod_true_branch() {
    SomeClass someClass = new SomeClass();
    someClass.someMethod(anyNegativeNbr(), anyNegativeNbr());

  public void test_someMethod_false_branch() {
    SomeClass someClass = new SomeClass();
    someClass.someMethod(anyNegativeNbr(), anyPositiveNbr());

Condition Coverage

Makes sure that each boolean sub-expression was evaluated to both true and false.

public class SomeClassTest {

  // ...

  // From this test,
  // the first condition (x < 0) is evaluated to true
  // the second condition (y < 0) is evaluated to false
  public void test_someMethod_true_false() {
    SomeClass someClass = new SomeClass();
    someClass.someMethod(anyNegativeNbr(), anyPositiveNbr());

  // From this test,
  // the first condition (x < 0) is evaluated to false
  // the second condition (y < 0) is evaluated to true
  public void test_someMethod_false_branch() {
    SomeClass someClass = new SomeClass();
    someClass.someMethod(anyPositiveNbr(), anyNegativeNbr());

Code Coverage Policies

  • Must not decrease throughout the lifecycle of the project.
    • Code coverage ratio should always go up as the application code scales.
  • Test files should have owners and logic changes should be approved.


It is an open-source test automation framework that internally uses Java Reflection's API to create mock objects.

Purpose: to allow our tests to focus on a single unit by mocking the external dependencies of this unit.

Mockito also allows us to manipulate behaviors in a way that makes them throw exceptions.

When? Mocking should be used when the real object has a non-deterministic behavior or is a callback function or is yet to be implemented.

@Mock (or mock())

  • Use @Mock annotation to declare the properties to be mocked.
  • Use @ExtendWith annotation over the class to initialize the listed mocks.
public class MockitoTestV2 {
    List<String> mockList;
    // More properties to mock ...
    // Test methods follow ...

Argument Matchers

Based on argument type, we can use:

  • eq()
  • any() (also stores null)
  • anyInt()
  • anyString()
  • anyList(), etc.

NOTE: Argument matchers

  • cannot be used as return values.
  • cannot be used outside of verification or stubbing.
  • cannot be used alongside exact (or raw) values.

Example: Below code snippet is invalid.

public class Test {
    void argument_matchers_with_exact_values() {
        mockList.add(5, "test");

        // INVALID
        verify(mockList).add(5, anyString());
        // VALID
        verify(mockList).add(eq(5), anyString());

Implementing our own Argument Matcher

Ref: Baeldung: Custom Argument Matcher

Sometimes, we may need to write our own custom argument matcher. This will help to validate the data inside the passed object. Thereby, allowing us more control over the unit test we create. In such a case, we'll use argThat() instead of simple any().

Limitation of any() is that it only declares the type of the object to be matched. Example: any(Message.class)

Example Scenario: MesageController takes as argument MessageDTO that is passed on to MessageService that'll deliver the Message. Now, we want to verify that we called MessageService exactly once with the expected Message.

public class MessageControllerTest {
    void test_messageService_deliverMessage_called_exactly_once() {
        MessageDTO messageDTO = new MessageDTO();
        messageDTO.setText("Hello, You!");
        verify(messageService, times(1)).deliverMessage(any(Message.class));

Since, the message is constructed inside the method under test (i.e. within createMessage), we must use any as the matcher. But, this approach doesn't let us validate the data inside the Message. For this reason, we should implement a custom argument matcher.

  • Such a class is kept only within the test directory.
  • We need to implement the ArgumentMatcher interface as shown below.
public class MessageMatcher implements ArgumentMatcher<Message> {
    private Message left;
    // constructors
    public boolean matches(Message right) {
        return left.getFrom().equals(right.getFrom())
                && left.getTo().equals(right.getTo())
                && left.getText().equals(right.getText())
                && right.getDate() != null
                && right.getId() != null;

To use our custom argument matcher, we need to modify our test and replace any by argThat:

public class MessageControllerTest {
  void test_messageService_deliverMessage_called_exactly_once() {
    MessageDTO messageDTO = new MessageDTO();
    messageDTO.setText("Hello, You!");


    Message message = new Message();
    message.setText("Hello, You!");
    verify(messageService, times(1))
                    argThat(new MessageMatcher(message)));

Custom Argument Matchers vs. Argument Captors

Both techniques can be used to make sure certain arguments are passed to mocks.

Argument Captors may be a better fit if:

  • we need to assert on argument values, or
  • our custom argument matcher isn't likely to be reused.

Custom Argument Matchers are usually:

  • better for stubbing,
  • will allow us to select the best possible approach for a given scenario, and
  • produce high quality tests that are clean and maintainable.

@Spy (or spy())

  • a spy is used to create a real object and spy on it.
  • allows particular objects behave normally.
  • allows us to mock certain behaviors and let others behave normally.

In Mockito Framework, it is a partial mock, when we are not stubbing a method, then the real behavior will be called.

public class MockitoTestV2 {
  // ...

  // The initialization of a spy object should be specific
  List<String> spyList = new ArrayList<>(); // or LinkedLis
  // ...
  void spy_list_adds_element_to_it_correctly() {

    // verifies that an invocation
    // of method add() has happened
    // with exactly the same argument.

    // In case of a spy, the element will be actually added
    // However, in case of mock, the test will fail.
    assertEquals(1, spyList.size());


Captor is mainly used when the passed argument is a complex object, and deep assertions need to be done on it.

public class MockTestV2 {
  void spy_list_adds_the_correct_element_to_it() {
    // on invoking the add() method,
    // captor already captured the given argument
    assertEquals("dummy", captor.getValue());


To inject the mocks to the target service class under test.

thenReturn() vs. thenAnswer() vs. thenThrow()

Method Usage
thenReturn() when we know and want a specific return value at the time we mock a method call.
thenAnswer() when we need to additionally actions when a mocked method is invoked, e.g. when we need to compute the return value based on the parameters of this method call.
thenThrow() when we know the expected error a service method call may throw like HTTP 5** error.

thenAnswer() Example

public class MyServiceTest {

  MyConverter converter;

  MyService service;
  public void test_thenAnswer() {
    String jsonResponse = "{key1: value1, key2: value2}";
    Answer<String> answer = invocationOnMock -> {
      // Grab the argument
      Object object = invocationOnMock.getArgument(0);
      // Do something with the argument
      // ...
      // Prepare the response
      return jsonResponse;
    assertEquals(jsonResponse, service.getAsJsonString(UUID.randomUUID()));

More uses of verify()

Operation Usage
verify(mockList, times(2)).add(any()); Verifies that the add method has been invoked on the mockList object exactly 2 times.
verify(mockList, atLeast(2)).add(any()); Verify that the add method has been invoked on the mockList object at least 2 times.
verify(mockList, atMost(2)).add(any()); Verify that the add method has been invoked on the mockList object at most 2 times.
verify(mockList, never()).add(any()); Verify that the add method has never been invoked on the mockList object.
verifyNoInteractions(mockList); Verify that no interactions have been made on the mockList object.
verify(mockList).add(any()); verifyNoMoreInteractions(mockList); Verify that after the add method was invoked, no more interactions were made with the mockList object.


Mockito's Inorder class is used to verify the order of interactions (methods invoked in that order) with the mocked object.

Special functions reserved for void methods

Method Usage
doNothing() Used to either ignore the effect of a void method, or to ignore an expected exception (useful in case of spy objects), or to capture arguments
doThrow() Used to explicitly throw the required exception, similar to .thenThrow() but specially reserved for void methods.
doAnswer() Used to perform complex logic whenever a void method is invoked.
doCallRealMethod() Used to execute real-code within a method for any given mocked object (which would otherwise run for any spy object).