
Add PRUDAQ support to latest BeagleLogic Image

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I recently purchased a BBB and the PRUDAQ cape. When I try to boot up via SD card with the BeagleLogic image that includes the PRUDAQ add-on (image comes from link on PRUDAQ quick start webpage) no network connection appears on my Windows 10 machine and I am not able to SSH into the BBB operating system. When I boot-up from the newest BeagleLogic image (no PRUDAQ add on) on my BBB a network connection appears on my PC and I am able to log into the BBB using SSH. It seems that the newer BBB boards do not work with the current BeagleLogic image that includes the PRUDAQ add on. Can you add the PRUDAQ code to the newest BeagleLogic image?

In about 2 weeks I will be releasing a new image for BeagleLogic (and hopefully transition to more regular image releases). I'll get the PRUDAQ support also done then.

If you need this on priority (it's blocking some of your work), then I might be able to support you with a patch until the production image is available.

In about 2 weeks I will be releasing a new image for BeagleLogic (and hopefully transition to more
regular image releases). I'll get the PRUDAQ support also done then.
If you need this on priority (it's blocking some of your work), then I might be able to support you
with a patch until the production image is available.

Where do I find the newest beagleLogic-Image?
The image from the beaglelogic.readthedocs.io is from 2017-07-13.

I've looked at the PRU1 assembler code modified for the PRUDAQ board.
Am I correct in assuming that the beagleLogic samplerate-parameter is actually without function for the PRUDAQ project?

The release didn't happen as expected - PRUDAQ will need additional work to enable GPIOs and the clock sources for the ADC besides the custom firmware for the PRUs. I'm currently working on a stable image for v5.4 kernels, PRUDAQ support will happen post that.