
sigrok-cli tcp connection?

xiongyihui opened this issue · 6 comments

Can sigrok-cli connect to BeagleLogic through TCP?

Tried the following command, but failed.

$ sigrok-cli --driver=beaglelogic:conn= --scan
sr: hwdriver: Invalid option 'conn'.

sigrok must be recompiled from source for this - the one bundled in the images will not support it. Ideally you would need to recompile just libsigrok, but because the older release was way long back, you may need to recompile libsigrokdecode and sigrok-cli as well.

Thanks! After recompiled libsigrok, libsigrokdecode and sigrok-cli, it works.

sigrok-cli --driver=beaglelogic:conn=tcp_raw/ -c samplerate=10M --samples 10M -o capture.sr

When trying to use the PulseView software and sigrok-cli I encounter the same issue. My server is running just fine (I connect to it using telnet over the local network, and then my connection was accepted). I have tried compiling and installing libsigrok, sigrok-cli and libsigrokdecode from the latest source available from the sigrok git, but it did not resolve the issue. I can't use PulseView with this version of libsigrok, because it is too old. The link for downloading PulseView AppImages in the documentation is no longer available. Am I missing something? What sources should I compile and install from? This seems like a really cool project, and I would love to get it to work with PulseView.

Just in case it helps:

  • Host: BeagleBone Black, running the provided set-up and ready to go image with the latest repository updates
  • Client: Ubuntu 18.04, 64-bit with libsigrok and pulseview installed from the repositories

That AppImage works like a charm, thank you!