
Bag of words parser (bow_parser) parses a given text file and outputs word frequencies and line numbers.

Primary LanguageC++

1. Introduction
2. Compiling
3. Usage

1. Introduction
bow_parser is a bag of words parser that is used to parse a file and print out its word frequencies for every word in that file.
Given an arbitrary text document written in English, this program will output a list of all word occurrences, labeled with word frequencies. In addition, it will also ouput a list of sentence numbers for every word printed.

Currently, only ASCII text files are supported (i.e. no UTF-8 files). Also, a word is defined as a sequence of alphanumeric letters or digits which can also include hyphens or hashes, but nothing else. 

The output will be written to std output, and is of the following format:
	a	{1:1}
	bag-of-words	{1:2}
	be	{1:1}
	file	{2:1,2}
	is	{1:1}
	parses	{1:2}
	program	{1:2}
	should	{1:1}
	temporary	{1:1}
	text	{1:1}
	that	{1:2}
	the	{1:2}
	this	{2:1,2}
	to	{1:2}
	used	{1:1}
	using	{1:2}
	validate	{1:2}
	which	{1:1}

2. Compiling
On *nix systems, g++ should be used to compile the program. CD into the directory 'bow_parser' (the directory that contains this README file) and type:
$ make
After this, the compiled binary will be outputted to the 'bin/' directory.

3. Usage
The file should be run on commandline, with filename as the first argument. A sample file is provided in the 'sample' directory.
$ bin/bow_parser sample/inputfile.txt