
Tensorflow 2.0 tutorials for RNN based architectures for textual problems

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

The tutorial notebooks in this repository are aimed to help beginners program basic recurrent neural networks(RNNs) for textual problems in tensorflow-2.


  • Understanding of basic textual processing methods, i.e familiarity with tokenization, etc.
  • Functioning of basic RNN, GRU, LSTM cells
  • Fundamentals of RNN based Encoder-Decoder Architectures
  • Attention mechanism, mainly Bahdanau Attention and Luong Attention
  • A basic idea of beam search algorithm.


  1. utils directory contains helper classes and functions.

    • utils/dataset.py contains NMTDataset class which creates training and validation tf.data.Dataset splits and also returns input and target side tokenizers (tf.keras.preprocessing.text.Tokenizer). The working of utils/dataset.py have been explained in first notebook on text-processing notebook
    • utils/attention.py contains BahdanauAttention and LuongAttention class. These attention mechanisms have also been explained in [encoder-decoder with attention notebooks](lesson 4 and lesson 5)
  2. tutorial-notebooks directory contains all the jupyter notebooks.