Pinned Repositories
Go based controller for ADAM-6256. 16DO IoT Modbus/SNMP/MQTT 2Ports Ethernet Remote I/O. It implementing REST APIs for sending signals to digital output channels
backend repository for our application that we presented on Smart India Hackathon 2022 as finalists
Final year project on Animal Intrusion Detection System which is a Deep Learning based object detection project
Natural Language Processing using Java and Apache OpenNLP framework and models
Basic banking system web application which has frontend built using React.js, backend using Spring Boot and Database using MongoDB. The frontend communicates with the server-side using REST APIs built using Spring Boot and works using Axios
Car registry REST based CRUD application built on Go lang with Gorilla MUX for creating the REST Web server and GORM for relational database mapping
HRMS (Hotel Reservation Management System) built over a monolithic MVC architecture using Java11, Spring Boot, MySQL and security features implementing JWT and Spring Security. Manage hotels, rooms and bookings with ease of Rest APIs. Along with access managed endpoints for customers and admin users. Auditing with time tracking and validations.
NFT Marketplace Smart Contracts implementing ERC-721 Smart Contract
Inferencing with Paddle OCR models using GO language and GoCV library
Built this real time chatting application using React JS and Firebase. It is a public chatting application which shows the incoming and outgoing messages without reloading the page.
abhishek-rabidas's Repositories
Built this real time chatting application using React JS and Firebase. It is a public chatting application which shows the incoming and outgoing messages without reloading the page.
This repository has some of the best Arduino-based Robotics Projects.
This repository has some of my beginner-level web development projects built using HTML, CSS, and basic JavaScript. It contains utility tools like a character counter, text to speech synthesizer, and much more!
A simple blog page designed using basic HTML and CSS. It was developed as an assignment for an assessment test of Coding Club.
Made this Calculator Web Application using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. You can perform mathematical calculations in this web app very easily just like a normal calculator
Created a simple project using Java Swing which calculates the number of characters
It's an under development social media project built using Node.js, EJS, Express.js, JavaScript ES 6, HTML and CSS.
Contact Manager application developed for Junit 5 Tutorial
This repository contains data structures codes
The dice game allows users to guess a number (1-6) and then the web game shows whether they guessed it correctly or not. It is built using JavaScript and designed using HTML and CSS.
Just tried copying the user interface of Facebook using HTML and CSS
Arduino Program for testing an Infrared Sensor. An infrared (IR) sensor is an electronic device that measures and detects infrared radiation in its surrounding environment.
Tried cloning the user interface of Instagram's home page. Divided the page into individual components.
Designed and developed the front-end of the portfolio landing page using HTML and CSS. The page is responsive to the small devices and normal web screens.
Library Management System built using Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, Mongoose and EJS. You can perform all the CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) operations in this project. CRUD operation using the custom made REST API controllers
Love Calculator Web Application which uses JavaScript Math.random( ) method to generate random numbers which are then converted to whole number and displayed to the user. The responsive web page is built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It is a great example for beginners of how we can use DOM manipulation. The new feature allows the user to check the percentage only once.
A responsive and attractive resume built using HTML and CSS only having cool effects and visual elements.
This is a simple bio widget made using HTML and CSS!
This is a browser extension which is an one-stop destination for storing and accessing your social media or important links easily
Online Text To Speech Synthesizer Web App built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Its responsive and the UI is bit attractive.
Created this to simple do list using React.JS concepts like ReactDOM, Hooks, useState, props, etc. The application is responsive and the UI is very attractive.
This twitter toolkit is a chrome extension that allows you to share your tweet from anywhere with just one click
This repository contains some of my best Web and App User Interface Designs.