SprakBit - SpringBoot Application
SprakBit is web based application design and developed using Bootstrap and SpringBoot. It is used to manage the customer records online with the BCrypt password encoder security and a user-friendly user interface. As it is responsive, user can manage thier customer from any device. No need to implement special type setup to use the application.
Features - Add new customer
- Delete the customer
- Login
- Logout
Screenshots Main Page
Login Page
User List Page
Add New Customer
Error Page
Logout Page
Technology Used - SpringBoot
- Spring MVC
- Spring Hibernate
- Spring Security
- Spring Rest
Tools Used - IntelliJ IDEA
- Github
- Maven
- Postman
RestFul API
Database Structure
For storing the user records in two different tables bind with the One-to-One Mapping with the Foriegn Key id, makes the database structure clean.
Server View
About the Developer
Connect me on Linkedin here