
About Me

Focused on experience, and driven by engineering, I am a Software Developer, with a strong foundation in both design and development, I deeply enjoy solving problems through code. One of my favourite aspects of developing is planning the architecture of a project. From the system design all the way to crafting the front end, back end and the APIs in between.

const abhishek = {
  pronouns: "he" | "him",

  domains: [
    "Front End Development",
    "Back End Development",
    "API Design and Testing",
    "Development Operations",
    "System Design"

  expertise: {
    languages:  ["C++", "Python", "JavaScript", "TypeScript"],
    databases:  ["MySQL", "PostgreSQL", "Oracle", "Redis", "MongoDB"],
    frameworks: ["React", "Node.js", "Express", "Next.js", "Tailwind CSS"],
    tools:      ["Git", "Docker", "AWS", "Linux", "Postman"]

Web Development Repositories

Machine Learning Repositories

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