
A project for 3D multi-object tracking on KITTI and nuscenes dataset

Primary LanguagePython


3D Multi-Object Tracker

This project is developed for tracking multiple objects in 3D scene. The visualization code is from here.


  • Fast: currently, the codes can achieve 700 FPS using only CPU (not include detection and data op), can perform tracking on all kitti val sequence in several seconds.
  • Support online, near online and global implementation. The overall framework of design is shown below:

Kitti Results

Car/Pedestrian tracking results on the Kitti tracking val seq [1,6,8,10,12,13,14,15,16,18,19] using second-iou, point-rcnn and pv-rcnn detections. We also followed the HOTA metric, and tuned the parameters by first considering the HOTA performance.

Detector online near online (latency=2s) global
point-rcnn 76.653 77.576 78.853
second-iou 77.29/48.011 78.17/50.362 78.799/51.20
pv-rcnn 78.289/49.662 79.48/50.824 80.075/51.753

Online: CA-based KF + greedy matching. Near online: online + rescoring tracks in a temporal window. Global: online + rescoring tracks globally.

Tracker Update

  • Update CasTrack (2022/9/23), the detections are obtained by CasA detector trained on KITTI 3D detection trainval set.
Detector online near online (latency=2s) global detections (training & testing set)
CasA 82.59 83.24 83.34 detections(40M)

Prepare data

You can download the Kitti tracking pose data from here, and you can download the point-rcnn, second-iou and pv-rcnn detections from here.

To run this code, you should organize Kitti tracking dataset as below:

# Kitti Tracking Dataset       
└── kitti_tracking
       ├── testing 
       |      ├──calib
       |      |    ├──0000.txt
       |      |    ├──....txt
       |      |    └──0028.txt
       |      ├──image_02
       |      |    ├──0000
       |      |    ├──....
       |      |    └──0028
       |      ├──pose
       |      |    ├──0000
       |      |    |    └──pose.txt
       |      |    ├──....
       |      |    └──0028
       |      |         └──pose.txt
       |      ├──label_02
       |      |    ├──0000.txt
       |      |    ├──....txt
       |      |    └──0028.txt
       |      └──velodyne
       |           ├──0000
       |           ├──....
       |           └──0028      
       └── training # the structure is same as testing set


└── point-rcnn
       ├── training
       |      ├──0000
       |      |    ├──000001.txt
       |      |    ├──....txt
       |      |    └──000153.txt
       |      ├──...
       |      └──0020



Quick start

  • Please modify the dataset path and detections path in the yaml file to your own path.
  • Then run python3 kitti_3DMOT.py config/online/pvrcnn_mot.yaml
  • The results are automatically saved to evaluation/results/sha_key/data, and evaluated by HOTA metrics.


The evaluation codes are copied from Kitti.