Building a RESTful API in Node Typescript and Sequelize


  • Node, npm and postgresql

Enviornment variables used

You can use both ways to declare envs (export them or use .env file)

  • PORT Port on which server should run
  • NODE_ENV node env
  • DB_PROD_URL prod db url. eg: 'postgres://user:pass@localhost:5432/prod'
  • DB_DEVLOPMENT_URL development db. eg: 'postgres://user:pass@localhost:5432/dev'
  • DB_TEST_URL test db url. eg: 'postgres://user:pass@localhost:5432/test'
  • TTL ttl for access token in seconds
  • JWT_SECRET jwt secret
  • ADMIN_USERNAME admin user name
  • ADMIN_EMAIL admin user email
  • ADMIN_PASSWORD admin user password
  • LOGGING logging for sequilize

Exposed endpoints

  • Create user

    • endpoint: /users/create
    • method: POST
    • body: { name: string, email: string, password: string }
  • Login user

    • endpoint: /users/login
    • method: POST
    • body: { email: string, password: string }
  • Find multiple users

    • endpoint: /users/findAll
    • method: POST
    • headers: { Authorisation: Bearer {token} }
    • body: { search: string, limit: number, page: number }
  • Find One user

    • endpoint: /users/findOne/:id
    • method: GET
    • headers: { Authorisation: Bearer {token} }
  • Update One user

    • endpoint: /users/update/:id
    • method: PUT
    • headers: { Authorisation: Bearer {token} }
    • body: { name: string }
  • Delete one user

    • endpoint: /users/deleteUser/:id
    • method: DELETE
    • headers: { Authorisation: Bearer {token} }


  • Clone the repo: git clone
  • Install dependencies: npm install
  • Test the server: npm run test
  • Start the server: npm start

Testing the API

Test your API using Postman

How to get started!

  • run npm start from the home directory.