Votex is a simple, robust and friendly command line tool. It is developed as an experimental project to get good grasp of the fundamentals.
- C++
- Makefile
g++ *.cpp -o main
- exit the command line
cd <dirname>
- change directory given the dirrectory name
- print working directory
- list the directories and files in working directory
- directories will be displayed with parentheses
- list the details of the directories and files in working directory
mkdir <dirname>
- make a new directory under working directory
touch <filename> <size> <tag>
- make a new file under working directory
rm [-r] <name>
- delete a file / directory under the working directory given its name
- the "-r" flag is optional, which means to recursively remove
mv <target> <destination>
- move the target (file / directory) to the destination (directory)
tag <Tag>
- list the details of the files of a certain tag, will search the working directory recursively
- display the file system in a tree view, will search the working directory recursively
- list all the commands and their usages