BubbleTask ✌️


On the 11th of February, I was heading a tech meet up with some amazing people and the students of our college. It was the first time I had such a massive role to play and I had to make sure everything went to perfection. In the run-up to the event there were a lot of tasks that needed to be taken care of and as I couldn't be in 5 different places at the same time I had to delegate a lot of work. But I had to keep a track of the work that I was delegating and to who it was delegated as it's difficult to keep track of 11 people. My clean diary turned into an artwork. I don't like having a mess which I can't figure my way out of. Hence that's where the inspiration came from.

What it does:

It helps keep track of the work that you have delegated to other people. Here are some of the commands

  • assigns a task to a particular person by name
  • gets the tasks you have delegated to a person. Also, it has a feature that gives you stats about it.
  • update when one or all tasks have been finished by the person
  • check who is assigned a particular task
  • check if someone finishes a particular task
  • shift a task from one person to another

How we built it 🔨

We used:

  • nodeJS
  • Alexa Skills kit

Challenges we ran into 🏃

There were a number of challenges that we ran into. Here are some of the major ones:

  • making sure that the intents were properly identified and that the user can work without any problem.
  • running operations on a particular data structure that we are using. Object manipulation in javaScript.
  • finding particular users and then using that index to assign/delete/shift tasks
  • making the object structure this was by far the most complex thing to do as the whole project depended on this.

Accomplishments we are proud of

  • being able to design something in over 1-2 weeks.
  • learning a new skill
  • getting a better knowledge of javaScript because of the work that went into making this project.

What next for Bubble Task:

  • We certainly would like to improve upon our task slots and branch out to more varieties. At the moment they have general tasks but we would like to assign personalized tasks for users.
  • Similarly update the user slots.
  • We are open to more intent suggestions kindly contact us if you'd like to contribute.
  • We would also like to make the user experience a little bit more friendly as we did the best we could in 2 weeks but it still needs some work.