Command line dictionary tool

The project uses API (currently Oxford) to set up a basic dictionary.

Tools used

  • NodeJS
  • Commander - CLI functionality
  • isomorphic-fetch - Included for using fetch functionality to hit an API

The project used .mjs as they help in importing and exporting methods and classes. To run any command use the flag --experimental-modules



$ git clone && cd command-line-dictionary-tool
$ npm install

follow the instructions for knowing which command to use

CLI instruction

Here will be a list of commands that will help you understand what to do.

$ node --experimental-modules commands.mjs def This command will give you the definition of the 'word' that you will type.

$ node --experimental-modules commands.mjs syn This command will give you the synonym of the 'word' that you will type.

$node --experimental-modules commands.mjs ant This command will give you the antonym of the 'word' that you will type.

$ node --experimental-modules commands.mjs ex This command will show examples of the 'word'

$ node --experimental-modules commands.mjs dict This command will show the full definition of the 'word'

$ node --experimental-modules commands.mjs wotd This command will give you the full definition of the word of the day.

$ node --experimental-modules commands.mjs play This commant will let you have an interaction gameplay

For example, node --experimental-modules commands.mjs def food (for definition of the word 'food')