
Cucumber version 4.0 example

Primary LanguageJava


Version 4.0 introduces some excellent features:

1. With introduction to version 3 dynamic type caste captured String to desired type was not supported.
   This feature is back in version 4.0 release.
   see example (code).Just include the TypeRegistryConfiguration.java in your glue path.
2. Cucumber version 4 now supports parallel execution , therefore you don't need to depend upon cucumber-parallel-plugin
    to run your testcases in parallel. see example (code)
3. Supports cucumber expression , which are very easy to use. see example (code)

4. When there are multiple runners each runners has to spell out its entire glue path e.g. @CucumberOptions(glue={"login", "common"}). With   the extraGlue property this is no longer required. The extra glue is used in addition to the default glue path. see example (code) 

Execute Tests

mvn clean install