Pipelines to create AKS cluster using terraform and deploy apps to AKS

Cluster creation


Step 1: Create Azure service account, which is used to create AKS cluster

$ az login
## Note the Azure subscription id after login

$ az ad sp create-for-rbac --role="Contributor" --scopes="/subscriptions/<<azure_subscription_id>>"
## Securely store the output from above command. Note the 'appId' and 'password'

appId and password are used in the terraform scripts to AKS cluster creation.

  • client_id is the appId
  • client_secret is the password.

The above values will be configured as variables in Azure pipelines.

Step 2: Create ssh keys

  • Note the location where the key is generated.
  • Do not provide the passphrase.
$ ssh-keygen -m PEM -t rsa -b 4096
  • The generated key will substitute for ssh_public_key in terraform script

Upload the generated key into the secure files of pipeline library.

Step 3: Create service connection in Azure DevOps

Create a new service connection for the Azure DevOps project.

  • Choose the connection type as 'Azure Resource Manager'
  • Authentication method as 'Service Principal'
  • Leave the Resource group name empty.

Step 4: Install the below 2 plugins from marketplace to the Azure organisation

Above plugins will enable easier edit of the pipeline files in Azure pipelines.