* Introduction * Requirements * Recommended Modules * Installation * VERY IMPORTANT NOTE * Configuration * Maintainer INTRODUCTION ------------- This program is used for running a data pipeline using APACHE AIRFLOW ,NEO4J DATABASE and python scripts. Program was originally made on/using :- Python = 3.8 AIRFLOW = 2.1.0(requires python version <= 3.8) NEO4J = 4.1 OS = UBUNTU 20.04.2 LTS REQUIREMENTS ------------- for Airflow Installation and checking requirements consider :- https://airflow.apache.org/docs/apache-airflow/stable/installation.html for Neo4j Installation and checking requirements consider :- https://neo4j.com/docs/operations-manual/current/installation/ https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-and-configure-neo4j-on-ubuntu-20-04 for Python Installation and checking requirements consider :- https://docs.python.org/3/using/index.html RECOMMENDED MODULES ------------------- NEO4J :- pip install neo4j (IMPORTANT ) apache-airflow :- pip install apache-airflow VERY IMPORTANT NOTE ------------------- Consider changing Neo4j password before first run and intialize it into neo_4j.py file line 95 (IMPORTANT) CONFIGURATION ------------- Consider having admin privileges while installation Change Neo4j password before first run and intialize it into neo_4j.py file line 95 (IMPORTANT) Use "airflow users create " command for creating user for first time Use "cypher-shell" command for setting password for first time(IMPORTANT) Have neo_4j.py and json_file_maker.py in same directory (IMPORTANT) Files Should preferably in same directory as airflow.cfg file in the dags folder Example :- airflow.cfg dags In dags :- neo_4j json_file_maker MAINTAINER ---------- For any additonal info CONTACT :- https://www.linkedin.com/in/abhishek-joshi-9350111b3 CREATER_GITHUB :- github.com/abhishekjoshi2612
data pipeline made for an internship assignment uses apache airflow and graph database neo4j