
This is a sample React Native application without any backend connectivity. All data persisted in the UI and will not be available after refreshing or closing the app.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a sample React Native application without any backend connectivity. All data persisted in the UI and will not be available after refreshing or closing the app.


  • First screen listing all the pokemons. Data is coming from local JSON file
  • When user clicks on any list item, it navigates to details page where user can see the following detail about selected pokemon
    • Image of Pokemon
    • Name
    • Types
    • HP
    • Defence
    • Attack


Before start working on this project, your local environment should have following things installed -

  • Node v12.14.1
  • expo-cli
  • Yarn
  • Expo app installed in your iOS/Android device to test the application

Project Setup

Follow the steps to setup this project on your local environment -

  • Clone repository - https://github.com/abhishekk-raj/Pokedex.git
  • Goto project directory - cd Pokedex
  • Install dependencies - yarn

Run Project

It seems you are ready to contribute, please following the steps below -

  • Run command yarn start to run the project
  • After successfully build, it will navigate you to the browser window - http://localhost:19002/.
    • At the left panel, you can see the list of device to run the app on.
    • Select the device of your choice and run the application.

Project Preview