A Full Stack Web Application created as part of Web Club NITK Googe DSC Recruitments 2019.
Task ID: Survey_App
A survey application for creating and answering simple mutliple choice questions.
I had to remove heroku instances since I had reached 5 apps limit. Please check out instructions for running this application locally below.
- Authentication
- Answering survey
- Aggregrate results
- Authorization for surveys
- Creating Surveys
The application uses Postgresql to maintain compatablity with Heroku.
git clone https://github.com/abhishekkumar2718/Survey-App; cd Survey-App
Gems are the ruby equivalent of third party libraries.
Optional: Install RVM (an environment manager for ruby) and create a gemset. Read more here
Install Bundler (a package manager for ruby gems)
gem install bundler
Install required gems.
bundle install
This command creates the database, the tables and sets up the neccesary data seed.
rails db:setup
The application has been installed and can be used. Use the following command to run the server.
rails s
- Setup Materialize
- Setup Devise
- Generate model
- Create seed data
- Answer flow
- Host on Heroku
- Authorization for surveys
- Creating surveys
- Improvements to UX
- Comment Chains
- Time bound surveys