
Examples built with TensorFlow.js

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

TensorFlow.js Examples

This repository contains a set of examples implemented in TensorFlow.js.

Each example directory is standalone so the directory can be copied to another project.


Except for getting_started, all the examples require the following dependencies to be installed.

How to build an example

cd into the directory

If you are using yarn:

cd mnist-core
yarn watch

If you are using npm:

cd mnist-core
npm install
npm run watch


The convention is that each example contains two scripts:

  • yarn watch or npm run watch: starts a local development HTTP server which watches the filesystem for changes so you can edit the code (JS or HTML) and see changes when you refresh the page immediately.

  • yarn build or npm run build: generates a dist/ folder which contains the build artifacts and can be used for deployment.


If you want to contribute an example, please reach out to us on Github issues before sending us a pull request as we are trying to keep this set of examples small and highly curated.