
This is the repository for the 45 days challenge to crack internship and placements

Primary LanguageC++

CrackYourInternship & CrackYourPlacement Challenge

Excited to announce that I’m taking the #CrackYourInternship and #CrackYourPlacement challenge starting today [19-7-2024] for the next 45-60 days! 💪

Let’s crack this challenge together! 💪🔥

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Leetcode Topics

Array (Solutions)

  1. Best Time To Buy And Sell Stock
  2. Chocolate Distribution Problem
  3. Container With Most Water
  4. Find All Duplicates In An Array
  5. Find Duplicates Number
  6. Four Sums
  7. Majority Element
  8. Merge Sorted Arrays
  9. Move Zeros
  10. Remove Duplicates From Sorted Array
  11. Set Matrix Zeroes
  12. Sort Colors
  13. Subarray Sum Equals K
  14. Subarray Sums Divisible By K
  15. Three Sums
  16. Two Sums
  17. Best Time To Buy And Sell Stock II
  18. Maximum Points You can Obtain from Cards
  19. Word Search
  20. Jump Game
  21. All Unique Permutations of an Array
  22. Game of Life
  23. Longest Repeating Character Replacement
  24. Reverse Pairs
  25. Max value of Equation
  26. Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) - Duplicates allowed
  27. Largest Rectangle in Histogram

String (Solutions)

  1. Integer To Roman
  2. Longest Common Prefix
  3. Valid Parentheses
  4. Print all the Duplicate Character in a String
  5. Find the Index of the First Occurrence of a Character in a String
  6. Valid Palindrome II
  7. Basic Calculator II
  8. Generate Parentheses
  9. Simplify Path
  10. Reverse Words In A String
  11. Group Anagrams
  12. Print Anagrams Together
  13. Rabin-Karp Algorithm for Pattern Searching
  14. Smallest window in a string containing all the characters of another string
  15. Valid Number
  16. Word Wrap
  17. Integer to English Words


  1. Add Binary
  2. Maximum Product of Three Numbers
  3. Product Array Puzzle
  4. Excel Sheet Column Title
  5. Minimum Moves to Equal Array Elements


  1. Ceiling in Sorted Array
  2. Permute Two Arrays Sum Every Pair Greater Than K
  3. Find Pair Given Difference
  4. Permutations in Array
  5. Smallest Positive Missing Number
  6. Check if Reversing a Sub Array make the Array Sorted
  7. Radix Sort
  8. Find Peak Element
  9. Allocate Minimum Number of Pages
  10. Search in Rotated Sorted Array
  11. Minimum Swaps to Sort


  1. Spiral Matrix
  2. Find the Number of Islands
  3. Rotate Image
  4. Maximum Size Rectangle
  5. Matrix Replacement


  1. Convert Binary Number to Integer
  2. Intersection Of Two Linked Lists
  3. Linked List Cycle
  4. Merge Two Sorted Lists
  5. Middle Of The Linked List
  6. Multiply Two Linked List
  7. Palindrome Linked List
  8. Remove Duplicates From Sorted List
  9. Remove Linked List Elements
  10. Reverse Linked List
  11. Sort Linked List 0, 1, 2
  12. Add Two Numbers
  13. Sort List
  14. Delete Node Having Greater Value On Right
  15. Segregate Even and Odd Nodes
  16. Copy List with Random Pointer
  17. Remove Nth Node From End of List
  18. Reorder List
  19. Rearrange List in Zig-Zag Manner
  20. Add Two Numbers II
  21. Reverse Linked List II
  22. Remove Dupliactes From Sorted List II
  23. Flatten Multilevel DLL
  24. Partition List
  25. LL in Zig-Zag Manner
  26. Merge k Sorted Lists
  27. Flatten List


  1. Queue Using Stack
  2. Stack Using Queues
  3. Next Greater Element I
  4. Backspace String Compare
  5. Stack and Queue using Deque
  6. Postfix Expression Evaluation
  7. Implement Two Stack in an Array
  8. Daily Temperatures
  9. Minimum Cost Tree From Leaf Values
  10. Online Stock Span
  11. Rotten Oranges
  12. LRU Cache
  13. Circular Tour
  14. Sum of Subarray Minimums
  15. Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation
  16. The Celebrity Problem
  17. Remove All Adjacent Duplicates In String
  18. Flatten Nested List Iterator


  1. Diameter of Binary Tree
  2. Invert Binary Tree
  3. Subtree of Another Tree
  4. Range Sum of BST
  5. Symmetric Tree
  6. Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree
  7. Merge Two Binary Trees
  8. Maximum Depth of Binary Tree
  9. Binary Tree Paths
  10. Same Tree
  11. Lowest Common Ancestor of BST
  12. Path Sum
  13. Minimum Absolute Difference in BST
  14. Sum of Left Leaves
  15. Balanced Binary Tree
  16. Inorder Traversal
  17. Predecessor and Successor
  18. Binary Search Tree Iterator
  19. BST Dead End
  20. Unique Binary Search Tree
  21. All Nodes Distance K in Binary Tree
  22. Validate BST
  23. Path Sum III
  24. Binary Tree Right Side View
  25. Level Order Traversal
  26. Preorder BST
  27. BT from Pre and Post order
  28. Unique Binary Search Tree II
  29. Recover BST
  30. Count of BST Node in rane
  31. Populating Next Right
  32. Flatten BT To LL
  33. Maximum Width of Binary Tree
  34. Kth Smallest Element in BST
  35. Median of BST
  36. Largest BST
  37. BT Zig-zag Level Order Traversal
  38. BT from Preorder Traversal


  1. BFS of Graph
  2. DFS of Graph
  3. Flood Fill
  4. Number of Islands
  5. Detect Cycle in Undirected Graph
  6. Detect Cycle in Directed Graph
  7. Rat in Maze Problem I
  8. Steps by Knight
  9. Decode String
  10. Shortest Bridge
  11. Number of Operations to make Network Connected
  12. Find Eventual Safe States
  13. Strongly Connected Components


  1. Climbing Stairs
  2. Counting Bits
  3. Maximum Product Subarray
  4. Ones and Zeroes
  5. Knight Dialer
  6. Maximize the Cut Segments
  7. Unique Paths
  8. Minimum Path Sum
  9. Coin Change
  10. Decode Ways
  11. Maximum Length of Repeated Subarray
  12. Longest Increasing Subsequence
  13. Longest Common Substring
  14. Count Square Submatrices with All Ones
  15. Maximal Square
  16. Mobile numeric keypad
  17. Job Sequencing Problem
  18. Delete and Earn