
Help to setup the attendance system which will include - Authlogic, Resource controller, paperclip, cucumber, rspec, webrat, email_spec and many more. Based on completly RESTful architecture. Currently application is not suitable for use. Also Example of the nested model how to save and update the nested model.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Author: Abhishek Shukla
Created on: 22nd day of december 2009
purpose: Simple just to provide a setup of attendance system which will be a combination of following tools and a practice for me ;)

1. Ruby 1.8.7
2. Ruby on Rails 2.3.5
3. MySQL

1. uuidtools,           version => 2.0.0
2. cucumber,            version => 0.3.101
3. rspec,               version => 1.2.9
4. rspec-rails,         version => 1.2.9
5. bmabey-email_spec,   version => 0.3.4
6. remarkable_rails,    version => 3.1.11
7. ruby-prof,           version => 0.6.1

1. Authlogic
2. Will-paginate
3. jRail
4. Country_select
5. resource_controller
6. custom-err-msg