
This is a full stack blockchain project which introduces a crypto currency. The following are the salient features:

  • Features of the blockchain

    • Fully working blockchain
    • Contains adjusted difficulty
    • Guard against difficulty jump
    • Implements proof of work with longest chain method
    • Difficulty check happens on binary bits of the genarated hash instead of leading hasg characters
  • Features of the app

    • Complete typescript support
    • Developed with TDD approach with 100% test coverage
    • Lint and Prettier enabled for maintaining code quality
    • Using Redis for pub sub
    • Uses Elliptic curve digital signature algorithm
    • Frontend is built using React
    • Webpack is used as bundler
    • Express server acts as both web and api server
  • Scripts

    • yarn dev - To start local dev server. It runs webpack watch and serves the built files from express server. Access url: http://localhost:3000


  • Currently Redis is added with an older version and without Typescript support. Need to upgrade it and make it work with latest version

This project is currently work in progress.