Flutter meal app

This is a flutter app which deals with meals. The app has following features:

  • Categories screen: Where a varity of the food categories can be selected

  • Favorites screen: If a meal is marked as favorite, that will be listed here

  • Drawer menu: Menu options to select between meals or filter screen

  • Filters screen: Multiple filters can be selected here like: vegan, gluten-free etc

  • Meals list screen: List of meals for a specific category are listed here

  • Meal details screen: Details of a particular meal along with reciepe is shown

  • A meal can be marked/removed as favorite

  • The app uses providers to share state across screens

  • It uses animations to transition between screen or at the launch of a screen


Categories screen

Categories screen

Drawer menu

Drawer menu

Filter screen

Filter screen

Meals list screen

Meals list screen

Meal details screen

Meals details screen

Favorites screen

Favorites screen