Sweet - 2 DOF Object Tracking Pan and Tilt Mechanism

This project demonstrates a 2 Degrees of Freedom (2-DOF) pan and tilt mechanism designed to track and follow objects, such as faces, using deep learning. The system utilizes an Arduino for servo control, a main PC for object detection and localization, and a RealSense camera for capturing video streams.

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Table of Contents


The objective of this project is to create a pan and tilt mechanism that can follow an object, specifically a human face. This is achieved by using two servo motors to control the horizontal (pan) and vertical (tilt) movement of the camera, an Arduino for servo control, and a main PC running a deep learning algorithm to detect and localize objects in real-time.


  • Real-time Object Detection: Utilizes OpenCV and Haar cascades for face detection.
  • 2-DOF Control: Pan and tilt mechanism controlled by two servo motors.
  • Arduino Integration: Arduino handles servo control based on commands from the main PC.
  • 3D Printed Parts: Custom designed and 3D printed parts for mounting the camera and servos.

Hardware Components

  • 2 x Servo Motors
  • 1 x Arduino (e.g., Arduino Uno)
  • 1 x Intel RealSense Camera
  • 3D Printed Parts for mounting and mechanism
  • Connecting wires and power supply

Software Components

  • Python
  • OpenCV
  • pyrealsense2
  • Arduino IDE

Installation and Setup

Hardware Setup

  1. 3D Print Parts: Print all necessary parts for the pan and tilt mechanism.
  2. Assemble Mechanism: Attach the servo motors and RealSense camera to the 3D printed parts.
  3. Connect Servos to Arduino:
    • Connect the yaw (pan) servo to pin 9 on the Arduino.
    • Connect the pitch (tilt) servo to pin 10 on the Arduino.
  4. Connect Arduino to PC: Connect the Arduino to your main PC via a USB cable.

Software Setup

  1. Clone Repository:
    git clone git@github.com:abhismirai10/Sweet_a_2_dof_robotic_follower.git
    cd 2dof-object-tracking
  2. Install Dependencies:
    pip install opencv-python pyrealsense2 numpy pyserial
  3. Upload Arduino Code:
    • Open the Arduino IDE.
    • Load the servo_control.ino file from the arduino directory.
    • Select the appropriate board and port, then upload the code to the Arduino.


  1. Run the Python Script:
    python object_tracking.py
  2. Start the RealSense Camera: Ensure the camera is properly connected and functioning.
  3. Face Detection: The system will start detecting faces and send servo control commands to the Arduino to adjust the pan and tilt angles accordingly.
  4. Stop the Program: Press q in the OpenCV window to terminate the program.

Video Demonstration

Watch the video demonstration of the project on YouTube: 2-DOF Object Tracking Pan and Tilt Mechanism


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.


  • OpenCV for the computer vision library.
  • Intel for the RealSense camera.
  • Arduino for the microcontroller platform.
  • Special thanks to the contributors of the project.

Feel free to contribute to this project by opening issues or submitting pull requests. For any inquiries or feedback, please contact [abhismirai10@gmail.com].