Files: log_files: contains randomly generated log files given_files: contains log files provided by CS425 staff agg_log: 60MB log file created by merging some of the given log files client.c: client code server.c: server code host_list: contains hosts to be run by client unit_test.c: unit test code bash script to compile client.c, server.c, and unit_test.c producing executables server, client, and unit_test
Compiling the code: gcc -pthread client.c -o client gcc -pthread server.c -o server gcc unit_test.c -o unit_test
Running the code: For server: Start server on target machines (start before running client) ./server
For client:
./client [FLAG] [COMMAND] [ARGUMENTS] => example: ./client 0 grep hello machine.i.log
FLAG: 0 or 1
0 = output is displayed in terminal standard out
1 = output is saved to files VMX.out, where 'X' denotes the VM the output was received
An output file line_no_file is also produced local to the client filled with line counts for each VM output as well as the total
error_file is produced local to the client and contains any connection error that occured during grep
If grep search contains '(' or ')', enclose entire phrase in single quotes
If file, target file must be contained in same directory as server file
Unit Testing: Run unit tests with ./unit_test Log files on servers must be in the same directory as the server and named machine.i.log Diffs the grep output from each machine for machine.i.log with the sys_X.csv files. sys_0 corresponds to VM1, sys_1 to VM2, and so on.