
Terraform module to configure Gitlab as an IAM OIDC identity provider in AWS.

Primary LanguageHCLApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

AWS federation for GitLab Using OIDC

This is a Terraform module to configure GitLab as an IAM OIDC identity provider in AWS. It enables GitLab to access resources within an AWS account without requiring AWS credentials.


Name Version
terraform ~> 1.0
aws ~> 4.0
tls 3.3.0

Installation and usage

The following snippet shows the minimum required configuration to create a working OIDC connection between GitLab and AWS.

provider "aws" {
  region = var.aws_region

module "aws_oidc_gitlab" {
  for_each = var.gitlab
  source   = "../../"

  iam_role_name        = "gitlab_action_oidc_aws"
  attach_admin_policy  = true
  create_oidc_provider = true
  iam_policy_arns      = []
  gitlab_url           = "https://gitlab.com"
  audience             = "https://gitlab.com"
  match_field          = each.value.match_field
  match_value          = each.value.match_value

Input Variables

  • attach_admin_policy is the flag to enable or disable the attachment of the AdministratorAccess policy to the IAM role.
  • aws_managed_policy_arns is a list of AWS Managed IAM policy ARNs to attach to the IAM role such as S3FullAccess
  • gitlab_url is the address of your GitLab instance, such as https://gitlab.com or http://gitlab.example.com.
  • audience is the same as gitlab_url
  • match_value It should be your Gitlab Instance URl such as https://gitlab.example.com or a filter to a specific gitlab group, branch or tag such as project_path:mygroup/myproject:ref_type:branch:ref:main.
  • match_field If you use a filter to specific GitLab group, branch or tag as match_value, use sub. Use aud if you use GitLab instance url such as https://gitlab.com as match_value

Explanation For match_value And match-field

By default, any GitLab user would be able to assume the role if he knows this IAM role's ARN. So, we need to lock it down by adding a condition in the assume-role policy document. Go to the tab Trust relationships and replace the existing condition with:

Here is how I declare the conditions in the module configuration.

    condition {
      test     = "StringEquals"
      values   = var.match_value
      variable = "${aws_iam_openid_connect_provider.gitlab[0].url}:${var.match_field}"

Below condition allows any GitLab project to retrieve temporary credentials from AWS Security Token Service (STS). Use aud if you use GitLab instance url such as https://gitlab.com as match_value . aud means the URL of the GitLab instance. This is defined when the identity provider is first configured in your cloud provider.

    condition {
      test     = "StringEquals"
      values   = var.match_value # https//gitlab.com
      variable = "${aws_iam_openid_connect_provider.gitlab[0].url}:${var.match_field}" # gitlab.com:aud

Trusted Entities look liks

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": {
                "Federated": "arn:aws:iam::585584209241:oidc-provider/gitlab.com"
            "Action": "sts:AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity",
            "Condition": {
                "StringEquals": {
                    "gitlab.com:aud": "https://gitlab.com"

sub is a concatenation of metadata describing the GitLab CI/CD workflow including the group, project, branch, and tag. The sub field is in the following format:


Filter Example
Filter to main branch project_path:mygroup/myproject:ref_type:branch:ref:main
Filter to any branch Wildcard supported. project_path:mygroup/myproject:ref_type:branch:ref:*
Filter to specific project project_path:mygroup/myproject:ref_type:branch:ref:main
Filter to all projects under a group Wildcard supported. project_path:mygroup/*:ref_type:branch:ref:main
Filter to a Git tag Wildcard supported. project_path:mygroup/*:ref_type:tag:ref:1.0

Trusted Entities look like

            "Condition": {
                "StringEquals": {
                    "gitlab.com:sub": "project_path:{group_id}/{project_name}:ref_type:branch:ref:main


Name Description Type Default Required
gitlab_url The address of your GitLab instance, such as https://gitlab.com or http://gitlab.example.com. string "https://gitlab.com" yes
audience The address of your GitLab instance, such as https://gitlab.com or http://gitlab.example.com. string "https://gitlab.com" yes
iam_role_policy_arns List of IAM policy ARNs to attach to the IAM role. list(string) [] optional
create_oidc_provider Flag to enable/disable the creation of the GitHub OIDC provider. bool true yes
match_field Issuer, the domain of your GitLab instance. Change to sub if you want to use the filter to any project string aud yes
match_value It should be your Gitab Instance URl by default. But if you want to use filer to a specific group, branch or tag, use this format project_path:mygroup/myproject:ref_type:branch:ref:main list GitLab Instance URL yes

Optional Inputs

Name Description Type Default Required
attach_admin_policy Flag to enable/disable the attachment of the AdministratorAccess policy. bool false no
iam_role_name Name of the IAM role to be created. This will be assumable by GitLab. string "gitlab_action_role" no
iam_role_path Path under which to create IAM role. string "/" no
max_session_duration Maximum session duration in seconds. number 3600 no


Name Description
iam_role_arn ARN of the IAM role.


  REGION: us-east-1
  ROLE_ARN:  arn:aws:iam::${AWS_ACCOUNT_ID}:role/gitlab_action_role

  name: amazon/aws-cli:latest
    - '/usr/bin/env'

assume role:
        - >
          STS=($(aws sts assume-role-with-web-identity
          --role-arn ${ROLE_ARN}
          --role-session-name "GitLabRunner-${CI_PROJECT_ID}-${CI_PIPELINE_ID}"
          --web-identity-token $CI_JOB_JWT_V2
          --duration-seconds 3600
          --query 'Credentials.[AccessKeyId,SecretAccessKey,SessionToken]'
          --output text))
        - export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="${STS[0]}"
        - export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="${STS[1]}"
        - export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN="${STS[2]}"
        - export AWS_REGION="$REGION"
        - aws sts get-caller-identity
        - aws s3 ls
        - aws iam list-users





© 2021 Daniel Morris
Made available under the terms of the Apache License 2.0.