In this repo, you can contribute for hacktoberfest 2021, and in which you can add new files in C, C++, Pyhon and also modify the files. In modification, no spam pull requests will be allowed only valid pull requests will be allowed. You can add any simple programs, data structure programs or any programs which will help others in future.
1.Spam pull requests are not allowed.
2.Modification or adding of programs are allowed.

Rules for beginners:-

1.Fork this repo
2.Clone it to you local machine by clicking on it. You can see it below: Screenshot 2021-10-02 170758
3. On you local machine run the following commands on Git software or linux terminal if you have
4. git clone <link> - For cloning the repo after forking.
5. cd <dir> - Move to that directory.
6. Create a new branch for contribution:
7. git checkout -b <new-branch name> or git branch <new-branch name> andgit checkout <new-branch name>.
8. Contribute and then confirm that everything is right.
9. git add -A - To add all files that you have contributed.
10. git commit- Add your valuable commit message.
11. git push origin <new-branch name- push to you forked repo
12. Then go to browser or github desktop and then add 'compare and pull request', also add what you have mention in it in the message.
13. WOOHOOO! Your pull request is ready and later on I will check and merge it. HAPPY HACKING.