
The winds of change take us to far away shores and with, our new discoveries, there lies an infinite land at our toes that promises magnificence afforded never before in history and, take it, we shall! with every living breath, from now and forever into the eternal, godly edens of our wandering lusting souls.

One man's attempt to live on the clouds.

Wanderers, among ye who wander here, rejoice!

The High Life

  • Chrome preferences are shared between machines.


wanderlust wander wl when it's even shorter

Options override each other in such a manner

wanderlustrc wanderrc wlrc


Wanderlust needs to be install itself with a single script bash scripts/wanderlust

The Road to your Highness

  • Notational velocity should be put in Dropbox.
  • And fix Dropbox.
  • Write a list of the most used Mac Apps
  • (automate the installation of mac apps)