
Country Picker for Android Jetpack Compose

Primary LanguageKotlin


Step 1. Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:

dependencyResolutionManagement {
		repositories {
			maven { url ("https://jitpack.io") }

Step 2. Add the dependency

 dependencies {
	        implementation ("com.github.abi9567:simpleCountryPicker:1.0.2")

Step 3. To use Dialog Country Picker View add the [DialogCountryPicker] Composable view as the leading Icon of the TextField or any composable

OutlinedTextField(value = textFieldValue,
                    leadingIcon = {
                        //Use this for Country Code Dialog Picker
                            pickedCountry = {
                                Log.d("PickedCountry", it.toString())
                            isCountryCodeVisible = false,
                    }, onValueChange = { textFieldValue = it })


To use Bottom Sheet Country Picker View add the [DialogCountryPicker] Composable view as the leading Icon of the TextField or any composable

OutlinedTextField(value = textFieldValue,
                    leadingIcon = {
                        //Use this for Country Code Bottom Sheet Picker
                        BottomSheetCountryPicker(pickedCountry = {
                            Log.d("PickedCountry2", it.toString())
                    }, onValueChange = { textFieldValue = it })


Country Code and Icon View

DialogCountryPicker View

BottomSheetCountryPicker view

Parameters Used for Customization

Parameter Description
pickedCountry Returns the picked [CountryData]. You can use [CountryData.countryCode], [CountryData.countryIcon], [CountryData.countryName] from it. Where [CountryData.countryName] is @StringRes. Use [context.getString] to retrieve the string value.
defaultCountryIdentifier Used for set initial country code and flag visible in the composable view. If not specifier the default country code shown will be India. for full list of available [defaultCountryIdentifier] check here countryCodeIdentifiers
dialogTitle The title of the country list dialog view. Default value is "Select Country".
isCountryCodeVisible Set true or false for country code visibility in the composable view. The default value is true.
isCountryFlagVisible Set true or false for country flag visibility in the composable view. The default value is true.
isCircleShapeFlag Whether the flag shown in circle shape or rectangular. Default value is true (circle shape).
isEnabled Set true for this view clickable. set false for not clickable. The default value is true.
trailingIconComposable You can also change trailing icon by using this parameter - default it's null. If specify [trailingIconComposable] the default down arrow icon will not be visible, and this [trailingIconComposable] will be shown
backgroundColor background color of the dialog. Default [backgroundColor] is White.
textColor Color of the country name & country code in the dialog. Default [textColor] is Black.
countryCodeTextColorAndIconColor Color of the country code & dropdown icon. Default [textColor] is Black.
stickyHeaderBackgroundColor Background Color of the sticky header.
dividerColor Used for the divider color of dialog. It's default value is [DividerDefaults.color]
searchFieldColors It is used for change the outlined search field colors it's type is [TextFieldColors] you can use [OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.colors] property to customize it's colors.