Welcome to The GithubFeed! This is a web app where users can view the latest news that you actually care about on Github. Check out the latest updates regarding repos you are watching, have starred, or are affiliated with. Get the latest information, including, releases, pull requests, issues, and more!
Check out the app at www.githubfeed.com
Sign up using your Github credentials to gain access to your personalized feed.
- React
- Express
- Axios
- Node.js
- Mongoose
- React-Router
- React-Bootstrap
From within the root directory:
npm install
You must set up an oAuth app with Github in order to retrieve a Client ID and a Client Secret, as well as, establish the callback URL to allow users to sign in with Github authentication. Add your private configuration information into the config.example.js file and rename it to config.js. Be sure to not push any sensitive information to Github and .gitignore all appropriate files.
In server/database/index.js, you need to enter in the URL to connect mongoose to mLab.
From within the root directory:
npm run server-dev
npm run react-dev
Application runs on port 3000 on your localhost
See CONTRIBUTING.md for contribution guidelines.
See STYLE-GUIDE.md for style guidelines.