- 1
The README's installation part is confusing
#251 opened by kuchaguangjie - 0
--sql and gosec = G115 (CWE-190): integer overflow conversion uint -> int (Confidence: MEDIUM, Severity: HIGH)
#252 opened by OlivierMary - 9
questions about empty strings
#114 opened by liuzh825 - 12
- 3
- 1
Support option to override generated file suffix
#216 opened by michinger - 8
Docker image with go-enum
#171 opened by tarampampam - 0
Would be nice to have -forceupper opt
#212 opened by alewkinr - 5
Arm64 vs aarch64 - better to host a
#205 opened by ysaakpr - 1
Problems with curl in macos
#188 opened by khomin - 1
IsValid() method only generated for string types
#177 opened by twelvelabs - 4
Specify custom value for enum string ?
#136 opened by SkYNewZ - 2
Support custom values for integer enums
#172 opened by ryanc414 - 2
Function for getting a list of values
#157 opened by aucampia - 3
Problem using closing parentheses in enum values
#159 opened by sevein - 4
Generates `foo_test_enum.go` from `foo_test.go` instead of `foo_enum_test.go`
#156 opened by aucampia - 2
Use a config file instead of code for enum definitino
#142 opened by angaz - 1
generate errors with generic file
#140 opened by godcong - 6
- 3
Rerunning removes version information
#95 opened by WesDowney - 5
Text after ) will be included in the last enum value
#102 opened by dsonck92 - 2
Can parameters such as --sql --alis be set separately for a certain type of enum, which is currently at the file level. If the parameters are different, only multiple files can be written?
#106 opened by liuzh825 - 1
Negative enum values not supported
#104 opened by dsonck92 - 5
- 1
#85 opened by niaiwomattt - 4
Getting stringer error
#83 opened by chippyash - 7
Question: How to support camel case format
#74 opened by godcong - 0
commentary style punctation nit
#78 opened by eligold94 - 0
- 1
- 4
Mapping enums to aliases/symbols
#52 opened by charlieparkes - 2
Input files flag should support file globbing
#48 opened by kroppt - 1
Comments should have punctuation
#47 opened by kroppt - 2
Unable to compile on Darwin
#43 opened by ConorNevin - 4
"--prefix" not worked
#38 opened by ghostiam - 0
Multiple hyphens in a value causes errors
#34 opened by mxygem - 1
go:generate for current file
#28 opened by ghostiam - 0
add support SQL Scan/Value interface
#25 opened by ghostiam - 1
Add support comments in enum
#23 opened by ghostiam - 1
linter unconvert (unnecessary conversion)
#21 opened by ghostiam - 4
Please check in your dependencies
#12 opened by gracenoah - 1
Error if ENUM starts from value = 1
#17 opened by marusama - 1
Sanitising EnumValue.Name
#15 opened by proglottis - 4
Support interface for flag
#13 opened by tamalsaha - 0
Add support for /* style comments
#8 opened by abice - 0
Stringer output incorrect with blank values
#3 opened by abice - 2
ParseFoo should return an error
#1 opened by natefinch